This is a picture of the hospice team for Mayers Intermountain Hospice.
Who is on the Hospice Team?
In most cases, the patient's doctor agrees to continue to be their physician while on hospice. The team will keep the doctor aware of the patient's condition and he/she is an important member of the care team. Intermountain Hospice Medical Director, a physician and member of the hospice team regularly consults with the Hospice team.
Each patient is served by a team of Registered Nurses.
The nurses will:
Assess the patient regularly.
Provide instruction regarding comfort measures and what to expect.
Provide management of pain and symptom control.
Social Workers
Each patient is also provided with a Social Worker who will help to:
Identify and recommend community resources.
Provide information about healthy coping methods.
Provide information about grief and available bereavement services.
Improve communication and understanding among family members.
Provide information about funeral plans.
Hospice Aide
This team member provides personal care such as bathing and linen changes. An aide can provide light housekeeping.
Spiritual Caregivers
These hospice trained spiritual counselors are available to provide non-denominational spiritual support to the patient, their families and caregivers. Spiritual counselors assist in coordinating spiritual care with spiritual resources in the community.
These hospice-trained volunteers act as helpers to patients, family and caregivers, often freeing the caregiver to attend to other functions. Their services can include:
Spending time in the home to allow the caregiver free time.
Practical assistance such as running errands, reading aloud and writing letters.
Providing emotional support with companionship and listening.
Providing bereavement support by offering assistance in the days following a death and making supportive calls and visits as requested bv the family.
A consulting pharmacist provides the team with information on drug interactions, side effects and alternative drug choices, as necessary.